“Sing praises to God, sing praises;
sing praises to our King, sing praises!”
We are blessed at Plantation UMC with incredibly talented musicians!
You can catch the Heaven's Sake Band each Sunday at our 9am praise service. Led by Steve Brasgalla, the band features talented vocalists, electric and acoustic guitars, grand piano, drums, as well as several other instruments. Their music is similar to what you would hear on contemporary Christian radio. For more information, contact Steve by email or at 954-584-7500.
Our excellent Chancel Choir gathers on Wednesday evenings to learn anthems and hymns to lead worship at our 11am Traditional Service. Our choir sings a wide variety of music – from gospel songs to traditional hymns to modern praise songs. No auditions necessary. Being familiar with written music is helpful but not required. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings, 7:00- 8:30pm in the Choir Room. For more information, contact Rev. Kathy Nolasco by email