“So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
If you are looking to serve our community through Plantation UMC, we have opportunities for you! We want people to feel at home from the moment they drive onto our campus, as they walk through our doors, as they worship God, as they connect with the people around them, and as they head back out into the world. You can be a part of that! Scroll on down through the options, or just click below to jump directly to the serving area of your choice!
Welcoming & Connecting
Worship & Technology Arts
Administration & Facilities
Congregational Care
Ministries with Children & Youth
Welcoming & Connecting
Our wonderful usher teams help worshippers find seats in the sanctuary, hand out bulletins and candles, and collect the offering. Commitment is as you’re available at service of your choice! For more information, contact the church office by email.
Music & Technology Arts
holiday decoration team
This team prepares our beautiful sanctuary for worship during Advent & Christmas, as well as Easter. This encompasses the set up, decoration, and maintenance for our special services and events. For more information, contact the church office by email.
Chancel Choir
This is our adult choir that leads the congregation in worship at our 11:00 Traditional Service. All are welcome to sing with the Chancel Choir. No auditions necessary! The choir sings music from a variety of genres, from classical anthems to gospel songs to world music. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings, 7:00-8:30pm in the Choir Room. In addition to Sunday mornings, the choir also sings for special services and concerts. If you enjoy singing, the choir is a fun and enjoyable way to serve the church! For more information, contact Pastor Kathy Nolasco by email or at 954-584-7500.
"heaven's sake" praise Band
Come blaze with praise in our 9:00 service band! Rehearsals are on Saturdays at 5pm. Singers and instrumentalists are welcome. For more information, contact Steve Brasgalla by email or at 954-584-7500.
If you play an instrument, we are always looking for people who play an orchestral or band instrument to play solos, ensemble pieces, or accompany the choir during worship. For more information, contact Pastor Kathy Nolasco by email or at 954-584-7500.
Children’s choir & youth Choir
All children and youth are invited, not just Plantation UMC members! The children and youth will develop their musical skills. Rehearsals are Sunday afternoons, 4:00-5:00 for Youth Choir and 5:00-6:00 for Children’s Choir in the Choir Room. Background Check and Protection Policy training required for all volunteers. For more information, contact Pastor Kathy Nolasco by email or at 954-584-7500.
sound/VIDEO technicians
Be a part of the team that makes worship possible! Our sound technician volunteers adjust volume, check batteries, and control the microphones. Our Video Technicians make the Livestream work by directing our cameras and switching camera views. Once trained, our Technicians can earn extra income by running the equipment for special events, weddings, and funerals. For more information, contact Andy Beckham by email or at 954-584-7500.
Administration & Facilities
church office volunteers
Greet visitors to the church office by providing hospitality, answering our phone, and assisting with general office tasks. The ability to handle multiple phone lines is required for this position. Computer work is available, but not required. For more information, contact Julie Bouwens by email or at 954-584-7500.
facilities ministry
If you're handy with tools, like to work with your hands, or have a special skill such as plumbing, electricity, etc., we would love to talk with you! We have many opportunities on our Plantation campus for people who like to garden, paint, trim hedges, pressure clean, rake, and much more! Church Work Days happen once a month! For more information, contact the church office by email or at 954-584.7500.
Tithes and financial gifts received weekly are counted and prepared for deposit by a team of "counters." Our goal is to have enough volunteers in this area so that each of the counters need commit to only one day per month. Training is provided to ensure we are following standard practices for handling this important area of church finances. For more information, contact Finance Administrator, Julie Bouwens at by email or at 954-584.7500.
We hold two rummage sales each year: in September and February. Fund raised go to support church ministries and missions. Helpers are needed to sort, price, and sell items, and to set up and clean up. Come meet our Plantation neighbors and share the love of Christ as they shop for bargains! For more information, contact the church office by email.
Wedding Coordinator (Contract)
The focus of the Wedding Coordinator is to provide outstanding service and be the liaison between the client and church staff. They must provide excellent event coordination with professionalism, while showing good judgment, empathy and responsibility, and represent Plantation UMC in a professional and cordial way. Candidate will attend event rehearsal the day prior to the event. On the day of the event, the candidate will help assist in set up and be the point of contact before and during ceremony. Honorarium is paid per event.
Congregational Care
congregational care team
Visit those who are shut-in at home or in long-term care facilities. You will be assigned to an individual needing visits and calls, reminding them that they are still an important, beloved part of our faith community. This ministry is an important supplement to visits by the pastors. For more information, contact Pastor Diane by email or by phone at 954-584-7500.
funeral/memorial service receptions
As a ministry to grieving families, we provide a reception in our Fellowship Hall following a funeral or memorial service. If you are willing to provide food, setup and clean up, as well as organized people to coordinate the receptions. For more information, contact Julie Bouwens by email or at 954-584-7500.
Monday night prayers (OFF SITE)
Be a part of this powerful prayer team that intercedes with the Lord for our congregation and community's concerns. The team meets on Monday evenings in the Sanctuary at 7:00pm. For more information, contact Sandra Beach by email.
stephen ministry
Stephen Ministers are members of Plantation UMC who have gone through 50 hours of training to provide high-quality Christian care to individuals experiencing a crisis or challenge, such as divorce, grief, loss of employment, hospitalization, relocation, or loneliness. Stephen Ministers are assigned a "care receiver" and meet with that person for about an hour a week. This caring relationship lasts for as long as the person needs it. Stephen Ministers are asked to commit to two years for training, service, and regular supervision. For more information, click here to visit our Stephen Ministry page.
Ministries with Children & Youth
children's ministries
We love children at Plantation UMC! If you love children as much as we do, we'd love to have you join us in teaching them about how much God loves them. Sunday School takes place most Sundays during our 9am service and is divided into two age groups: VPK - 1st grade and 2nd - 5th grade. There are also special activities for the children at Easter. Vacation Bible School and Camps are held each summer. We wrap up the year with the Living Nativity on our church front lawn, and a special Children's Christmas Eve Service! All volunteers must be background checked and go through our annual Child/Youth Protection Policy training. For more information, contact our Director of Children’s Ministry, Paige Mnich by email or at 954-584-7500.
youth ministries
If you would like to impact the lives of students in our congregation, we would love to serve with you! You don't have to be a teacher or a trained professional, just someone with a passionate heart and a desire to watch young Christians grow in their faith. Youth participation begins in the 6th grade, and continues through 12th grade. Our ministry centers on our Sunday evening youth group gatherings, 5:00-7:00pm most Sundays. There are many ways you can volunteer: helping lead small groups, preparing meals for Sunday nights, driving for events, facilitating mission opportunities, mentoring a student, coordinating activities, and much more! All volunteers must be background checked and go through our annual Child/Youth Protection Policy training. For more information, contact Director of Youth Ministries, Latina Lightbourne-Newsome by email or at 954-584-7500.
Youth GROUP Dinners
The simplest way to support our youth is by providing dinner for them! Cook or purchase a simple meal for one of their Sunday night youth group gatherings. Plan for 20-25 people. To schedule your dinner night, sign up here. For more information, contact Director of Youth Ministries, Latina Lightbourne-Newsome by email or at 954-584-7500.
Nursery Volunteers
Our nursery staff is certified to provide childcare but our volunteers help them by playing with the children! Volunteers are needed to join our staff on Sunday mornings, 8:45am - 12:15pm or whenever available. All volunteers must be background checked and go through our annual Child/Youth Protection Policy training. For more information, contact Pastor Kathy Nolasco by email or at 954-584-7500.
preschool volunteers
The Plantation United Methodist Preschool offers a Christian learning environment in a classroom setting for infants through 5-year-olds. We are looking for volunteers to rock babies, read stories in classrooms, prepare classroom crafts, and church members to serve as liaisons to join our school advisory committee. For more information, contact Preschool Director, Adina Hudson by email.