As followers of Christ, God calls us to serve. As we grow in our faith, and grow closer to God, out of the overflow of God's love we naturally want to reach out and serve people in need.
We challenge all who consider Plantation UMC to be our church home to serve in at least two areas: (1) in a ministry within the church, and (2) in a mission in our community and world. Look through these pages to find a place to serve that is meaningful for you ... a place that will uplift you emotionally and spiritually! And remember: serving others in the name of God should be fun and exciting, so seek out ways to serve that you will enjoy!
We also believe that financial giving is an important part of Christian growth. Giving is one of the important ways in which we demonstrate our reliance upon God's love. When we give, we support the mission of Plantation United Methodist Church to cross the street to reach all people for Jesus. If you would like to give online, click here.